Win limited edition APT Asian Series Cebu Shirts for you and your friends!
1. BECOME A FAN. LIKE the APT Facebook Page:
2. SHARE A SNAP SHOT. Create an album with the title SNAPSHOT FOR A SHIRT and upload your best photo enjoying the beauty of Cebu. (This album's privacy setting must be PUBLIC.) An then post the URL of your photo on the comments section of this promotion's photo:
3. TAG YOURSELF AND FRIENDS. Tag yourself and two of your friends on your photo, and get a chance to win limited edition 2012 APT Asian Series Cebu shirts for you, and 2011 shirt edition for your friends.
Be as creative as you want on the photo caption, and include the APT fan page URL:
And when we say limited edition, it truly is! So join now and grab these collectors’ items for you and your best buds!
Upload as many photos as you want for more chances of winning.
The lucky winner will be announced on the APT Facebook fan page during the APT Asian Series Cebu event between Feb. 1 – 7, 2012. So stay tuned!
For more details about the APT Asian Series Cebu, visit
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