Friday, June 11, 2010

Win Seats to APT Philippines 2010 at Resorts World Manila!

Resorts World Manila (RWM), the official venue of APT Philippines 2010, will be giving players plenty of chances to win seats in the weeks leading up to the event!

A series of qualifiers, entitled the RWM Satellite Series will be taking place at RWM’s poker room. The first major qualifier, entitled the RWM Satellite Series 500K Guaranteed, is set for Sunday, June 13th at 2:00 pm. Buy-in is set at Php 5,000 + Php 500.

Regular RWM players may also exchange 5,500 member points to gain entry into the satellite tournament.

The tournament is guaranteeing a Php 500,000 prize pool, with eighteen players winning cash prizes! First place will win a seat to the APT Philippines 2010 main event and Php 40,000 in cash! Meanwhile, players who finish second to fifth need not worry as, in addition to their cash prizes, they’ll be receiving seats to the RWM Satellite Series Finale.

The RWM Satellite Series Finale is a big satellite tournament happening on August 21 at RWM. The Series Finale will have a buy-in of Php 10,000 + Php 1,000.

Here are the details of the RWM Satellite Series tournament on June 13:

Tournament type: No Limit Hold ‘em Freeze-out
Buy-in: Php 5,000 + Php 500
Players: 120 players + alternates
Starting chips: 10,000
Prize pool: Php 500,000 guaranteed, inclusive of 1 seat to APT Philippines 2010 main event and 4 seats to RWM Satellite Series Finale
Blind levels: 20 minutes

Posted via web from asianpt's posterous

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